Disclosure according to §§ 5 ECG
M-Group Holding GmbH
Museumstraße 10, 6020 Innsbruck,
Tel: +43 676 40 16 151
E-Mail: office@mgroup.at
Company register number: 484097h
Company register court: Landesgericht Innsbruck
UID number: ATU72949946
Affiliation WKO - Holding and managing real estate
The object of the company is the management of its own real estate as well as the holding and management of
real estate, including all transactions, measures and auxiliary activities that appear necessary or useful for
achieving the purpose of the company.
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Momentum, Philip Farbmacher
Leopoldstraße 26/7, 6020 Innsbruck,
Investment Information Sheet Pursuant to Sections 2a, 13 of the German Investment Act (VermAnlG)
Warning: The acquisition of this asset is associated with considerable risks and can lead to the complete loss of the invested assets.
Status: 15.07.2022
Number of updates: 0
The investment is an unsecured and uncertificated subordinated loan with a qualified subordination (hereinafter "Subordinated Loan"), which is to be classified as a subordinated loan within the meaning of Section 1 (2) No. 4 VermAnlG. The exact name of the investment is Subordinated Loan P382 | M-Group: Kalkstein Residenzen St. Johann in Tirol.
The provider and issuer of the Subordinated Loan is MAMM BETA GmbH, Museumstraße 10/8, 6020 Innsbruck (Austria), FN 545375y, Innsbruck Regional Court (hereinafter "Issuer"). The Issuer is a project development company and its business activities include property development, with the current focus on the development and sale of residential real estate in the district of Kitzbühel (Austria). The conclusion of the Subordinated Loan is brokered by dagobertinvest gmbh, Wohllebengasse 12-14 TOP 6.01, 1040 Vienna, Austria, registered in the Commercial Register of the Commercial Court of Vienna under the registration number FN 444877g, (hereinafter "dagobertinvest") via the website www.dagobertinvest.de (hereinafter "dagobertinvest Platform").
The Issuer's investment strategy is to use the proceeds from the issue of the Swarm Financing to expand the business activity referred to in item 2 by using the proceeds from the asset investment to realize the real estate project described below, including the refinancing of an existing loan in the amount of EUR 435,000. The investment policy is to give investors the opportunity to promote the business activities of the issuer referred to in item 2 by investing and thus to take all measures that serve to implement the investment strategy. The investment object is the real estate project "P382 | M-Group: Kalkstein Residenzen St. Johann in Tirol", which is a construction project in the context of which, on the contiguous plots of land of a total area of 1,619 m2 with the common address Mitterndorferweg 9, plot numbers 189/3 and 189/10, 6380 St. Johann in Tirol (Austria), a residential property with a total size of 987 m2 is to be built and subsequently sold (hereinafter "Real Estate Project"), as well as all measures conducive to the realization of the Real Estate Project. The Issuer is already the owner of the aforementioned land plots; land register registrations are available. In connection with the realization of the Real Estate Project, the Issuer has already obtained the building permit. The start of construction of the property is planned for October 2022; contracts in this regard have not yet been concluded, negotiations in this regard are ongoing. Two preliminary contracts regarding the sale of the total of 11 residential units have already been concluded. Furthermore, in addition to the loan referred to in sentence 1, bank financing in the amount of EUR 1,250,000 for the construction of the property is already being negotiated. The net proceeds from the investor funds alone are not sufficient for the realization of the real estate project. The expected total cost of the real estate project is EUR 4,906,000. The proceeds of the issue from the swarm financing are earmarked. The issuer will use 9% of the net proceeds of the subordinated loan extended by the investor to finance the construction costs and 91% to pay the loan. The remaining funds required for the realization of the real estate project will be provided by the aforementioned bank financing of EUR 1,250,000 and (even if the aforementioned bank financing does not materialize) by the issuer's own funds. The issuer is not permitted to use the subordinated loan capital raised through the swarm financing for any other purpose. The issuer will raise the funds required to make interest payments and repayments on the subordinated loans in full or in part from the proceeds of the sale of the real estate project. If the amount of the proceeds obtained does not exceed the amount of the interest and repayments to be made on the subordinated loans, the full proceeds will be used to make the interest and repayments and any remaining amount will be paid from other own funds of the issuer. If the proceeds received exceed the amount of the interest and repayments to be made on the subordinated loans, they will be used pro rata to make the interest and repayments in full.
Die Laufzeit des Nachrangdarlehens beträgt 24 Monate, beginnend mit dem Auszahlungsstichtag. Die Laufzeit des Nachrangdarlehens verlängert sich automatisch einmalig um bis zu 6 Monate, sofern der Emittent dies beschließt und der beschlossene Zeitraum der Verlängerung auf der dagobertinvest-Plattform spätestens einen Monat vor Ablauf des in Satz 1 dieser Ziffer 4 angegebenen Zeitraumes bekannt gegeben wird. Auszahlungsstichtag ist der Tag, an dem der Emittent den Eintritt der nachfolgend beschriebenen Auszahlungsbedingungen über die dagobertinvest-Plattform bekannt gibt. Die Auszahlungsbedingungen sind (1) der Eintritt des Funding-Endes, (2) der Ablauf eines Zeitraums von 15 Tagen ab Funding-Ende, ohne dass durch Ausübung etwaiger Rücktritts- und Widerrufsrechte oder sonstiger Vertragsauflösungen der Funding-Mindestbetrag, der EUR 250.000 beträgt (nachfolgend „Funding- Mindestbetrag“) unterschritten wurde. Das „Funding-Ende“ tritt ein bei Eintritt eines oder mehrerer der folgenden Ereignisse: (1) bei Erreichen des Funding- Höchstbetrags, d.h. des Betrages, den der Emittent maximal im Rahmen der Schwarmfinanzierung einwerben möchte (nachfolgend „Funding-Höchstbetrag“), (2) bei vorzeitiger Beendigung der Zeichnungsfrist durch den Emittenten nach Erreichen des Funding-Mindestbetrags, (3) bei Ablauf der Zeichnungsfrist (einschließlich einer etwaigen Verlängerung der Zeichnungsfrist), d.h. der Frist, in welcher der Anleger auf der dagobertinvest-Plattform ein Nachrangdarlehensangebot für das Immobilienprojekt abgeben kann, sofern in diesem Fall auch der Funding-Mindestbetrag erreicht ist. Die Zeichnungsfrist endet planmäßig am 13.09.2022. Sie kann um bis zu 90 Tage verlängert werden. Eine ordentliche Kündigung des Anlegers oder des Emittenten während der Laufzeit des Nachrangdarlehens ist nicht zulässig. Das Recht jeder Partei zur außerordentlichen Kündigung des Nachrangdarlehens aus wichtigem Grund bleibt unberührt. Der Emittent ist jederzeit berechtigt, das Nachrangdarlehen vorzeitig zurückzuzahlen. Der Emittent ist darüber hinaus zum Rücktritt vom Nachrangdarlehensvertrag berechtigt, wenn (1) eine oder mehrere der Auszahlungsbedingungen gemäß dieser Ziffer 4 nicht erfüllt wird, (2) der Anleger seinen Identifizierungspflichten zur Verhinderung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung nicht fristgerecht nachkommt, oder (3) der Nachrangdarlehensbetrag nicht fristgerecht nach Fälligkeit auf dem Funding-Konto eingeht oder aufgrund Rücklastschrift zurückübertragen wird. Das Funding-Konto ist das Konto des Emittenten, auf dem die Nachrangdarlehensbeträge der Anleger eingehen (nachfolgend „Funding-Konto“). Im Falle eines Rücktritts wird der Emittent den Nachrangdarlehensbetrag unverzüglich in voller Höhe an den Anleger zurückzahlen, soweit er bereits dem Funding-Konto gutgeschrieben wurde. Das Nachrangdarlehen wird spätestens nach Ablauf von drei Bankarbeitstagen ab Zahlungseingang des Nachrangdarlehensbetrages auf dem Funding-Konto bis zur Rückzahlung mit einem Festzins von 7,50% p.a. verzinst. Die Zinsberechnung erfolgt auf Basis der Berechnungsmethode act/365. Die Verzinsung steht unter der aufschiebenden Bedingung, dass die Auszahlungsbedingungen des Nachrangdarlehens eintreten, der Nachrangdarlehensbetrag auf dem Funding-Konto eingegangen und der Vertrag nicht durch Rücktritt oder Widerruf oder eine sonstige Vertragsauflösung durch eine der Vertragsparteien beendet wird. Verlängert sich die Laufzeit des Nachrangdarlehens automatisch einmalig um bis zu 6 Monate, so erhöht sich der Zinssatz ab Eintritt der Verlängerung mit Wirkung für den Zeitraum der Laufzeitverlängerung um 1,25% p.a. Zinsen werden am Tag des Ablaufes der Nachrangdarlehenslaufzeit bezahlt. Im Falle einer Verlängerung werden Zinsen am Tag des ursprünglichen Ablaufes der Nachrangdarlehenslaufzeit und zusätzlich am Tag des Ablaufes der verlängerten Nachrangdarlehenslaufzeit bezahlt. Wird der Nachrangdarlehensrückzahlungsanspruch des Anlegers bei Fälligkeit nicht beglichen, erhöht sich der Zinssatz ab Fälligkeit für den Zeitraum bis zur Rückzahlung um 4,00% p.a. Für den Fall, dass der Emittent von seinem jederzeitigen Recht zur vorzeitigen Rückzahlung Gebrauch macht, ist der gesamte Nachrangdarlehensbetrag samt aller bis zum Tag der Rückzahlung anfallenden Zinsen an den Anleger zu zahlen. Eine Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung ist nicht zu zahlen. Der Nachrangdarlehensrückzahlungsanspruch des Anlegers ist endfällig. Der Emittent leistet daher während der Laufzeit des Nachrangdarlehens keine Tilgungszahlungen, sondern der Nachrangdarlehensbetrag wird erst am Tag des Ablaufes der ggf. gemäß dieser Ziffer 4 verlängerten Nachrangdarlehenslaufzeit zurückgezahlt. Bei Nicht-Erreichen des Funding-Mindestbetrags nach Ablauf der (gegebenenfalls verlängerten) Zeichnungsfrist wird der Emittent den Nachrangdarlehensbetrag spätestens 3 Tage nach Ablauf der (gegebenenfalls verlängerten) Zeichnungsfrist in voller Höhe unverzinst an die Anleger zurückzahlen, soweit er bereits dem Funding-Konto gutgeschrieben wurde.
Investments in companies are associated with risks. As a general rule, the higher the potential return, the higher the risk of loss. The subordinated loan is an investment whose return depends on a large number of factors that cannot be predicted with certainty in detail. In some cases, these factors may develop independently of the issuer's business decisions, e.g. as a result of a change in the market situation or a change in the legal framework. There are therefore risks with regard to the contractual fulfillment of payment obligations by the issuer, i.e. with regard to the repayment of the subordinated loan capital and/or the payment of interest. This may lead to delayed payments, interest defaults or, in the event of the issuer's insolvency, to the partial or complete loss of the subordinated loan capital invested. In the event of debt financing of the subordinated loan capital by the investor (e.g. by taking out a loan with a bank), the risk for the investor increases due to the additional costs incurred as a result and the obligation, if any, to bear the interest and redemption burden of the debt financing irrespective of the repayment of the subordinated loan capital and/or the payment of interest on the subordinated loan. This may lead to personal insolvency of the investor.
The qualified subordination of the subordinated loan has the effect that the assertion of all claims of the investor arising from the subordinated loan against the issuer, including claims for repayment of the subordinated loan capital and for payment of the contractually agreed interest, are excluded to the extent and for as long as the assertion of the claims would give rise to grounds for insolvency at the issuer. In addition, in the event of the opening of insolvency proceedings against the issuer's assets or the liquidation of the issuer outside of insolvency proceedings, the qualified subordination stipulates that all of the investor's claims arising from the subordinated loan rank behind the issuer's other liabilities for which no corresponding subordination applies. This means that the investor's claims may not be satisfied until the reason for insolvency has been eliminated or - in the event of liquidation or insolvency of the issuer - until all other creditors of the issuer whose claims do not qualify as correspondingly subordinated have been satisfied. The investor bears the issuer's default risk (so-called total default risk). Depending on the economic circumstances of the issuer, the investor may default in whole or in part on his claims against the issuer, up to and including a total default. The subordinated loan is not subject to deposit protection. In particular, investors are subject to the risk that the issuer's insolvency or liquidation estate may be wholly or partially exhausted after satisfaction of all liabilities that are not correspondingly subordinated and that, as a result, the investor's claims under the subordinated loan cannot be settled or can only be settled in part. Interest payments and repayment of the subordinated loan will only be made under the aforementioned conditions. The investor does not participate in any liquidation proceeds of the issuer. The investor also does not receive any participation under company law or co-determination rights under company law with regard to the issuer.
The issuer's profit is derived from the sales proceeds less the costs of the real estate project. In the real estate sector, the following industry-specific risks may therefore arise, among others: A market-wide deterioration in the financing conditions of lending banks may lead to sales difficulties and/or a reduced purchase price payment to the issuer. Misjudgments in the selection of suitable properties may make it more difficult to sell the properties at the planned prices. A deterioration in the conditions of the location, e.g. with regard to transport links, social structures and/or immissions, may have a negative impact on the income from the property or any sales proceeds. Negative economic effects may also result from the fact that calculated future rental income or sales proceeds do not arise in the planned amount. These risks increase the issuer's default risk, which is borne by the investor.
The subordinated loans are not securitized and can only be transferred to a third party by way of contract transfer with the consent of the issuer. There is no regulated secondary market. The asset investment is therefore only tradable to a limited extent.
The maximum funding amount that the issuer would like to raise as part of this crowdfunding campaign in Germany is EUR 475,000. The investment is in the form of unsecuritized subordinated loans with a qualified subordination, which investors can conclude with the issuer via the dagobertinvest platform with subordinated loan amounts of at least EUR 100 up to a maximum of EUR 25,000. The actual issue volume at the end of the campaign period as well as the number of subordinated loans actually issued depend, in addition to the maximum funding amount, in particular on the number and amount of subordinated loan bids submitted by investors. The maximum number of subordinated loans issued by investors in Germany is 4,750. The asset investment offered in Germany is part of an issue taking place in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The maximum issue volume that the issuer would like to raise from investors residing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is EUR 475,000 in total. The issue volume available for investors from Germany is reduced proportionally if corresponding amounts are raised in Austria or Switzerland. The public offering of the asset investment in Austria and Switzerland is scheduled to begin on July 19, 2022.
The issuer's debt-to-equity ratio, calculated on the basis of the most recent financial statements prepared for the 2020 fiscal year, as of Dec. 31, 2020, is 21,730.39%.
The investor's interest and repayment claims are at all times subject to sufficient liquidity on the part of the issuer and are subject to a qualified subordination. The prospects of interest and repayment in accordance with the terms of the agreement are therefore particularly dependent on the economic success of the issuer and its business activities as described in Note 2. Significant factors for the prospects of interest and repayment are the positive or negative development of the residential real estate market in the district of Kitzbühel (Austria) and how the issuer performs in this market. Significant influencing factors are, in particular, the development of the demand for corresponding real estate, the construction raw material prices, the financing costs as well as the sales costs. A positive or neutral development of the aforementioned real estate market and a competitive positioning of the issuer on this market improve the prospects of success for the real estate project and thus increase the prospects of a contractual interest and repayment in favor of the investor. Contributing factors to a positive development of the aforementioned real estate market include, for example, a sustained high or rising demand for housing in the vicinity of the real estate project, falling construction raw material prices, falling sales costs when selling the real estate project, and falling financing costs of any debt financing taken out for the real estate project. In the scenario of a neutral or positive business development supported by a neutral or positive market development, there are good conditions for the issuer to make the interest payment and the repayment of the subordinated loan amount in accordance with the contract. A negative market development as well as a less competitive positioning of the issuer in this market worsens the prospects of success for the real estate project and thus reduces the prospects of a contractual interest payment and repayment to the investor. Indications of a negative market development are, for example, negative macroeconomic changes, in particular inflation, rising construction raw material prices, a negative development of demand for housing and political as well as regulatory adjustments that have a negative impact on the market environment and thus jeopardize the success of the real estate project. In the scenario of an unexpected negative business development, triggered or intensified by a negative market development, there is a risk that the issuer will not be able to make contractual interest payments and repay the subordinated loan amount. This may result in the complete loss of the subordinated loan capital invested. With regard to the risks associated with the investment, please refer to section 5 of this investment information sheet.
The investor does not bear or pay any costs/commissions/other fees and services (with the exception of the invested subordinated loan capital itself) in connection with the investment. Any costs/commissions/other fees and services incurred by the investor vis-à-vis third parties (e.g. banks or other financial institutions in connection with debt financing of the subordinated loan capital and/or vis-à-vis the tax authorities) are not known to the issuer and must, if applicable, be determined and borne by the investor on his own responsibility.
Dagobertinvest receives a fee from the issuer in the amount of (1) EUR 5,462.50 on a one-time basis as a consulting fee for the support in the preparation of the necessary information, (2) 6.00% on a one-time basis from the raised subordinated loan capital in the event of a successful financing as a brokerage fee and (3) 0.25% per annum from the raised subordinated loan capital from the disbursement of the capital until the termination of the contractual relationship with the issuer for ongoing administration, (1) and (3) in each case plus VAT. These fees are financed from the subordinated loan capital.
There are no significant interlocking interests between the issuer and dagobertinvest, the operator of the dagobertinvest platform. In particular, neither a member of the issuer's management nor their relatives within the meaning of Section 15 of the German Fiscal Code are also members of the management of dagobertinvest, nor is the issuer affiliated with dagobertinvest pursuant to Section 15 of the German Stock Corporation Act.
The investment is aimed at private clients pursuant to section 67 (3) of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG) who pursue the goal of general asset accumulation. However, subscription by professional clients and/or eligible counterparties pursuant to section 67 WpHG is not excluded in principle. The investor must have a short-term investment horizon, as the asset investment must be held for 24 months (or a maximum of 30 months if the extension option is exercised by the issuer). Due to the risks associated with the asset investment, it is an asset investment for investors with basic knowledge and / or experience with asset investments. The investor must be able to bear the losses that may arise from the asset investment up to 100% of the total amount of the capital invested (total loss), if necessary plus any interest and repayment burden arising from any external financing of the investment capital. Otherwise, corresponding losses and burdens can lead to the private insolvency of the investor.
There is no collateralization under the law of obligations or in rem for the repayment claims of the asset sold.
As of the date of this Asset Information Sheet (page 1), the issuer has not offered, sold or fully redeemed any assets in Germany in the past 12 months.
The investment does not provide for any obligation to make additional contributions within the meaning of Section 5b (1) VermAnlG.
A controller of the application of funds in accordance with § 5c VermAnlG has not been appointed for this investment.
The investment does not constitute a blind pool model within the meaning of Section 5b (2) VermAnlG.
The accuracy of the content of this asset information sheet is not subject to review by BaFin.
No sales prospectus approved by BaFin has been filed for the investment. Investors can obtain further information directly from the offeror or issuer of the investment.
No annual financial statements of the issuer have yet been disclosed in the Federal Gazette. The most recently disclosed annual financial statements of the issuer as of 31 December 2020 have been published in the Austrian Companies Register and can be accessed online at clearing offices appointed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice. A list of these clearing offices can be viewed at www.justiz.gv.at. Future annual financial statements of the issuer will be disclosed in the electronic Federal Gazette and can be accessed at www.bundesanzeiger.de.
Claims based on a statement contained in this asset information sheet can only exist if the statement is misleading or incorrect and if the asset is acquired during the period of the public offering, but at the latest within two years after the first public offering of the asset in Germany.
Users of the dagobertinvest platform have the opportunity to recruit new customers as a tipster by announcing them to dagobertinvest. For interested parties successfully acquired as investors on the basis of the announcement up to and including January 31, 2020, the tipster receives a commission payment of 1% of the respective subordinated loan amount acquired and invested by dagobertinvest. For interested parties successfully recruited as investors after 31.01.2020 due to the announcement, the tipster will receive a one-time payment of EUR 75 on the first investment of the newly recruited investor and the newly recruited investor will receive a one-time payment of 1% of his initial investment from dagobertinvest.
Acknowledgement of the warning prior to the conclusion of the contract pursuant to Section 13 (4) sentence 1 VermAnlG shall be made in accordance with Section 15 (4) VermAnlG in a manner equivalent to the signing of the contract.